Dear Cancer Researchers,
As Molecular Cancer Research Association (MOKAD), we are excited to announce that MOKAD 2025 Congress (X. Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Congress) is on the way. The congress will be held on May 8-11, 2025 at Questa Thermal & Spa Hotel in Eskişehir.
At the 2025 Eskişehir MOKAD congress, we will be breaking new grounds: Posters will exceptionally be valued. There will be poster sessions that discuss and educate. A format is planned where posters in the same thematic area are gathered around the relevant round table, a competent researcher of the subject is at the head, the poster is presented in detail, the poster is discussed by the participants of that theme, questions are asked, and if necessary, training is provided. We hope that the congress will be rich in poster sessions. Another first of the congress is that the three best posters will receive an award certificate to be documented directly by the EACR Headquarter. In addition, MOKAD will also award prizes to the three best oral presentations. Some plenary lectures, satellite symposiums/sponsor presentations and short talks will also take place. In summary, the Eskisehir congress will be a special congress with a different format of poster session. As usual, the maximum number of “Young Researcher Scholarships” will be provided with the support of the association/MOKAD. Classic MOKAD awards will also be presented. The language of the congress will be English and Turkish.
The main thematic areas of the congress are expected to be “Cancer Bioinformatics, Epigenetics and Cancer, Long noncoding RNA and Death/Life, Viability/Cytotoxicity Analysis, Anticancer Drug Development, Tumor Biology and Metastasis, CTC and Precision Oncology, Cancer Stem Cells and Microenvironment, Spheroid/Organoid, New Technologies for Therapeutic Purposes”.
The scientific intensity of the congress will be balanced with an extended social program exploring the natural and cultural richness of Eskişehir. In addition, the thermal water pool and spa center of Questa Hotel (, which participants will benefit from free of charge, will be a bonus.
MOKAD looks forward to keeping you up to date in cancer research and welcoming you in Eskisehir in advance…
For Congress information please click
On behalf of Congress Organization and MOKAD Board of Directors
Değerli Kanser Araştırmacıları,
Moleküler Kanser Araştırma Derneği (MOKAD) olarak, 2025 yılı Kongremizi (X. Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Congress) hazırlamanın heyecanı içindeyiz. Kongremiz, 8-11 Mayıs 2025 tarihlerinde Eskişehir’de Questa Thermal & Spa Hotelde düzenlenecektir.
2025 Eskişehir kongresinde bazı ilklere imza atıyor olacağız: Posterler ulusal veya uluslararası hiçbir kongrede olmadığı kadar büyük değer görecektir. Tartışan ve eğiten poster oturumları olacaktır. Aynı tematik alandaki posterlerin ilgili yuvarlak masa etrafında toplandığı, başında konunun yetkin bir isminin olduğu, posterin detaylı sunulduğu, o temaya katılanlar tarafından tartışıldığı, sorular sorulduğu, gerekirse eğitim verildiği bir format planlanmıştır. Bu yüzden, poster ağırlıklı bir kongre olmasını diliyoruz. Kongrenin bir başka ilki, en iyi üç postere doğrudan EACR tarafından belgelenmek üzere ödül sertifikası verilecek olmasıdır. MOKAD tarafından da en iyi üç sözlü sunuma ödül verilecektir. Ayrıca, konferanslar, uydu sempozyumları/firma sunumları ve kısa konuşmalar da yer alacaktır. Özetle, Eskişehir kongresi farklı formatıyla özel bir kongre olacaktır. Gene her zamanki gibi, derneğin desteğiyle maksimum sayıda “Genç Araştırmacı Bursu” sağlanacaktır. Klasik MOKAD ödülleri de gene sahibini bulacaktır. Kongre dili İngilizce ve Türkçe olacaktır.
Kongrenin tematik alanlarının “Kanser Biyoinformatiği, Epigenetik ve Kanser, Long noncoding RNA ve Ölüm/Yaşam, Canlılık/Sitotoksisite Analizleri, Antikanser İlaç Geliştirme, Tümör Biyolojisi ve Metastaz, CTC ve Hassas Onkoloji, Kanser Kök Hücre ve Mikroçevre, Sferoid/Organoid, Tedavi Amaçlı Yeni Teknolojiler” konularından oluşacağı beklenmektedir.
Kongrenin bilimsel yoğunluğu Eskişehir’in doğal ve kültürel zenginliklerinin keşfedildiği uzun süreli bir sosyal programla dengelenecektir. Ayrıca, katılımcıların ücretsiz yararlanacağı Questa Hotel’in ( termal sulu havuz ve spa merkezi de bonus olacaktır.
MOKAD, Eskişehir’de kanser araştırmada günceli yakalamayı ve sizleri ağırlamayı sabırsızlıkla bekliyor…
Kongre bilgi için tıklayınız…
Kongre Düzenleme ve MOKAD Yönetim Kurulu Adına
Engin ULUKAYA (Chairman) Istinye University
Serap Çelikler (Co-Chairman) Bursa Uludağ University
Ayşegül Çebi Giresun University
Sedef Ziyanok Bursa Uludağ University
İlhan Yaylım Istanbul University
Ömer Faruk Bayrak Yeditepe University
Mehtap Kutlu Eskişehir Teknik University
Prof. Dr. Erkan İBİŞ Rector of Istinye University
Prof. Dr. Feridun YILMAZ Rector of Bursa Uludağ University
Abdullah Yalçın Bursa Uludağ University
Aslı Kutlu Istinye University
Azmi Yerlikaya Kütahya Sağlık Bilimleri University
Berkcan Doğan Bursa Uludağ University
Bülent Özpolat Houston Methodist Research Institute
Didem Karakaş Zeybek Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University
Ebru Nur Ay Istinye University
Egemen Dere Bursa Uludağ University
Emel Sokullu Koç University
Gamze Tanrıöver Akdeniz University
Huri Dedeakayoğulları Biruni University
Konstantinos Dimas University of Thessaly
Mehmet Sarımahmut Bursa Uludağ University
Merve Erkısa Genel Istanbul Health and Technology University
Pınar Siyah Bahçeşehir University
Sadettin Kılıçkap İstinye University
Serdar Durdağı Bahçeşehir University
Süreyya Bozkurt İstinye University
Şerife Yerlikaya Medipol University
Tuba Günel İstanbul University
Türkkan Evrensel Bursa Uludağ University
Yelda Birinci İstinye University
Zuhal Hamurcu Erciyes University
Zelal Adıgüzel Koç University
Yeliz Çakır Sahilli Munzur University
• Cancer Bioinformatics
• Artificial Intelligence in Cancer
• Viability / Cytotoxicity Assessment
• Anticancer drug development
• Spheroids, Organoids
• Precision Oncology
• Cancer Microenvironment
• Cancer Genomics
• Cancer Stem Cells
• Epigenetics and Cancer
• Novel Therapy Based Approaches in Cancer
4. SPEAKERS (To be announced later in the web site)
Please fill in this form;
Registration Fees:
Early Registration (until April 11);
MOKAD/EACR MEMBERS (Regular): 140 Euro
MOKAD/EACR MEMBERS (Student): 100 Euro
NON-MEMBERS (Regular): 170 Euro
NON-MEMBERS (Student): 120 Euro
Late Registration (until April 25);
MOKAD/EACR MEMBERS (Regular): 170 Euro
MOKAD/EACR MEMBERS (Student): 120 Euro
NON-MEMBERS (Regular): 200 Euro
NON-MEMBERS (Student): 140 Euro
On Site/Daily Registration;
MOKAD/EACR MEMBERS (Regular): 70 Euro
MOKAD/EACR MEMBERS (Student): 40 Euro
NON-MEMBERS (Regular): 90 Euro
NON-MEMBERS (Student): 50 Euro
Registration fee includes:
1. Attendance to the sessions
2. Attendance to the sponsoring area
3. Coffee breaks
4. Opening cocktail
5. Gala dinner
6. Social programme
About Payment of Registration Fees:
Please use the bank account details below;
Turkish Lira (TL) Bank Account
Bank Name: Ziraat Bankası
Branch: Vadistanbul Şubesi
Branch Code: 2765
Bank Account No: 97701517-5003
IBAN No: TR50 0001 0027 6497 7015 1750 03
Registration Fees will be deposited to the bank account below as TL equivalent calculated from the daily Euro exchange rate of the Central Bank. Congress registration cancellations and early payment;
•100% for requests until April 11, 2025
•50% for requests until April 25, 2025
•Claims after April 25, 2025 will not be refunded.
I.Cancer Researcher of the Year
(Requirements: Candidate should be a participant in the congress. Candidate should be 40 years old or above and should apply with his/her CV. Application deadline: April 4, 2025)
II.Young Cancer Researcher of the Year
(Requirements: The candidate must be a congress participant. The candidate must have received his/her first PhD degree within the last 10 years, be an active researcher and under the age of 40. The candidate should apply to the congress secretariat with his/her CV. Application deadline: April 4, 2025)
III.MOKAD Special Award
It is given to individuals or organizations that provide services on cancer/public health. No application is required.
IV.Oral Presentation Prize (Best, Second, and Third)
The certificate will be issued by MOKAD.
V.Poster Presentation Prize (Best, Second, and Third)
The certificate will be issued by EACR. Winners will be able to use the complimentary registration for EACR 2026 Budapest Congress.
VI.Young Researcher Scholarship (For 10 People)
Selected master or PhD student. The candidate must be the first name on the presentation. The scholarship covers up to 2000 Turkish Liras to be used for registration, accommodation or travel support, depending on the preference of awardee. The awardee should provide the relevant documentation for any of the expenses given above. The deadline for application is April 4, 2025. The winners will be announced on April 11, 2025 after evaluation by the Scholarship Committee.
Required documents below;
1.Document showing that you are a member of MOKAD or EACR
4.Student Certificate
Oral presentations (10 minutes), poster presentations (Face-to-face at special session) and short talks (15 minutes) will be accepted at the congress.
Oral presentations must be in the format in which the results of a study are presented. An oral presentation in the form of a review will NOT be accepted, but it can be considered as a short talk.
Short talks should be a maximum of 15 minutes, preferably a review of a Current hot topic but it may be the presentation of a study. The congress language is Turkish and English, depending on the presenters’ wish.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
All accepted abstracts will be published at the Congress Abstract Book (as PDF file) in a downloadable format.
Short talks can be either a review of a hot topic or the Results of a study. However, oral presentations CANNOT be a review, but a presentation of the results of a current study.
Submission of an abstract requires that the presenting author (underlined one in the abstract) will register for and attend the congress to present the abstract as an/a oral/poster presentation or as a short talk.
Each registered participant can submit two abstracts maximum (as a presenter).
All submissions will be evaluated by the scientific committee. The Committee will decide its rejection or approval.
Instructions for Abstract Submission
Please remember to state your preference of presentation (oral/poster presentation or short talks) and avoid abbreviations in the title.
• Please state authors’ full names (without any academic titles) & full address of the institute/workplace.
• Underline the presenting author.
• Abstracts must not exceed 300 words.
• No figures, no tables in it please! Up to 5 references can be given.
• Key words (if wished) should be placed following the abstract. A maximum of six words should be used.
• Organize the abstract text into the following section headings. The headings should be kept in the text as well.
Introduction and Aim
Materials and Methods
• Abstracts of still ongoing research without confirmed results (except case reports) shall NOT be considered.
• Abstracts should be written in clear, concise language & authors are requested to carefully check the spelling. Presenting author is responsible for spelling & accuracy and the content as well as its legality/ethics-related issues.
Abstracts not conforming to any of the requirements written above shall not be considered, irrespective of their contents.
Abstracts should be sent to Didem Seven
Evaluation of The Abstracts
Abstract evaluation will be performed by the relevant committee consisting of at least three evaluaters. The names, institutions and addresses of the researchers will be kept confidential during the evaluation process.
For submissions to be considered, at least one of the abstract’s authors must have completed the congress registration procedure.
Notification of Abstract Acceptance/Refusal
After evaluation, an acceptance/rejection letter will be sent to the underlined presenting author on April 4, 2025.
Example for Abstract
Presentation Preference: Oral Presentation / Poster Presentation / Short Talks
Title of the abstract…
Name Lastname1, Name Lastname2, …
Department of XXX, Faculty of XXX, University of XXX, City, Country
Department of YYY, Faculty of YYY, University of YYY, Zip Code, City, Country
Introduction and Aim:
Materials and Methods:
Key words:
References (if any):
The full texts of the papers presented at the X.Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Congress, 8-11 May 2025, may be published as articles in the Cancer Research Special Issue of East Black Sea Journal of Health Sciences, to be published in September 2025, provided that they pass the relevant peer review processes.
Terms and Conditions
1. Only abstracts presented within the scope of the Xth Multidisciplinary Cancer Research will be included in the special issue.
2. Presentation of the abstract at the congress does not grant the right to be published in the special issue.
3. The abstracts submitted for publication must receive a positive review and editorial opinion from the referees and/or the necessary corrections must be made by the author(s) within the deadline.
4. Authors upload their abstracts to the journal system by adapting them to the journal template and journal writing rules.
5. Uploaded papers should indicate that they were presented at the congress, with the abstract title as a footnote.
Announced to those concerned.
Click here for information about the journal;
•Abstract Submission/Bursary Application Deadline:
April 4, 2025
•Abstract Submission/Bursary Acceptance/Refusal Deadline:
April 8, 2025
•Abstract Submission Deadline:
April 4, 2025
•Abstract Acceptance/Refusal Deadline:
April 8, 2025
•Early Registration Deadline:
April 11, 2025
•Late Registration Deadline:
April 25, 2025
The prestigious Questa Thermal & Spa Hotel in Eskişehir, which hosts our congress, offers a perfect setting for both relaxation and productivity.
For the reservation of accomodation: please call the hotel
(Questa Thermal and Spa Hotel, Eskişehir).
Hotel phone number: +902222110444 or +905063544179
Hotel email:
The accomodation fee SHOULD BE paid to the hotel.
IMPORTANT: Mention that you are a participant of MOKAD Congress.
Otherwise, regular fee could be given to you mistakenly. Congress organisation has nothing to do with the accomodation-related matters.
Accomodation Fee
•Single room: 60 euro/person
•Double room: 70 euro/2 people
•Triple room: 90 euro/3 people
The participants may also stay somewhere else without paying for the entrance fee to the hotel.
Questa Termal & Spa Hotel (Eskişehir) Location:
Questa Thermal & Spa Hotel Eskişehir is conveniently located just 10 min by bus from Eskişehir City Center and the train station, as well as Eskişehir Hasan Polatkan Airport (AOE). You can reach the hotel directly by taking the S11 minibus, which departs every 15 minutes from the front of the Eskişehir Train Station. Alternatively, the S11 bus, departing every 40 min from Odunpazarı central stops, also takes you directly to the hotel.
Within the scope of the congress, a free trip to Odunpazarı region and Odunpazarı Modern Museum will be organized on Saturday (May 10, 2025). Free bus services for the trip will be provided.
Odunpazarı is one of the oldest settlements in Eskişehir, renowned for its colorful houses that reflect Ottoman-era architecture. Listed on UNESCO’s Tentative World Heritage List, this historic district offers visitors a unique cultural experience with museums, art galleries, and traditional markets. Iconic landmarks such as the Odunpazarı Modern Museum (OMM) and Kurşunlu Complex showcase the region’s rich history and deep connection to art. Odunpazarı is a must-visit destination for historical and cultural enthusiasts.
Within the scope of the X. Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Congress, it will be held on the evening of May 10, 2025 (Day 3) at Questa Thermal & Spa Hotel Ballroom. Gala dinner fee is included in the registration fee.
It will be published on the website after the congress.
Scientific Secretariat
•Didem Seven – (Abstract Submission)
Organisational Secreteriat
•Demet Gül Eryılmaz – (Registration)
•Yaren Arasan – (Award and Bursary Applications, and Other Issues)
Under Construction